DiGiorno’s Uses AI to Pick Up the Slack
AI can be utilized by marketers in seemingly-infinite ways, though we often box ourselves into AI writing and AI art. We can stand to remember that AI is so powerful because it is a learning algorithm, learning to recognize patterns based on previously consumed data. The frozen pizza brand has created a tool to assess the damage done to your pizza while en route.
The DiGiorno’s Pizza Rescue Program is designed to make suffering customers whole on an evening where their pizza plans have taken a turn for the worse. A coupon for DiGiorno’s pizza will be provided to those who submit their pizza plights, the amount being determined by their AI tool based on how badly your pizza was damaged. This is a clever way to provide incentive to purchase the frozen pizza, while poking at their competitors and the inevitable issues that will occur during delivery every once in a while. So if you find yourself in pizza peril, consider kicking delivery to the curb and making it right with the help of DiGiorno’s.
- SOURCE: Marketing Dive
- BRAND: DiGiorno’s

AUTHOR: Zach Dunphy
ORIGIN: Speaking Human Contributor
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