About The Minute Series
The Minute Series simplifies the overwhelming complexity of big topics into short, easy to digest bits for your brain. Contained in an extremely short podcast, The Minute Series makes the perfect platform for humans to learn something new when there isn't a lot of time. When you only have a minute... check out The Minute Series (presented by Speaking Human).
What’s in this episode?
In this episode of The Minute Series, students take on the challenge of designing their own social media platforms. What features would they include? Who would it attract? And what makes it different from what’s already out there? After brainstorming through a writing assignment, they recorded a short podcast to share their ideas. This quick and engaging episode gives a snapshot of what the future of social media could look like—straight from the next generation.
Episode Partner: The University of Akron // College of Business
Student: Kenna Domka