Visit the Jack in the Box Virtual Drive-Thru in a Few Short Clicks
Sometimes a drive-thru isn’t convenient enough. Why can’t you just enjoy the drive-thru experience from the comfort of your own home? Jack in the Box decided that every fan has the right to visit its drive-thru from anywhere in the world, and opened the first-ever virtual drive-thru. Utilizing the streaming platform of Twitch, Jack in the Box has created a new way to engage with their fans directly. The brand aired a 24/7 stream in which viewers could attend and watch Jack himself serve a never-ending stream of visiting cars. The stream would provide a QR code that then provided viewers with a special deal on the Jack in the Box app, encouraging them to try the real drive-thru.
Jack in the Box’s Twitch activation opens the door for marketers everywhere as they find a new way to leverage the streaming platform’s popularity. Twitch streams are a powerful tool to engage with audiences, and Jack in the Box has demonstrated that it can also be an invaluable method to connect audiences with other channels. This brand effort not only encouraged viewers to come to a brick-and-mortar location, but also directed them to the Jack in the Box app. This multi-pronged approach to marketing is a stellar demonstration of breaking down barriers to purchase, as the fast food brand meets their fans where they live. Maybe 100 years from now, drive-thrus will no longer exist. Maybe we will simply go through the virtual drive-thru on Twitch and watch as our future-burger materializes on the table. Or maybe not—but we can dream.
- SOURCE: Twitch
- BRAND: Jack in the Box, Twitch

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