M&M’s Super Bowl Consolation Prize
It’s not always about winning. Sure, in this case it is the final game of the NFL season where teams have the chance to prove themselves to the entire nation, but it’s not always about winning. Sometimes it’s about candy.
M&M’s hold out an olive branch to those who just couldn’t make the cut. Those who were [this] close to greatness, only to fall short. They offer those poor souls a ring of comfort. Best of all, this ring is made out of pure peanut butter. Literally. Peanut butter diamonds.
The “Ring of Comfort” campaign from M&M’s is frankly, a hilarious brand effort on behalf of the candy giant. Providing a series of rings encrusted with actual peanut butter diamonds to the players that come in second place at the Super Bowl is comical. The ring itself features a little M&M’s character carrying a football and bears the words “Almost Champions”. This type of marketing is the perfect way to build excitement as the big game approaches. It also creates buzz before, during, and after the game. We look forward to seeing the losing team proudly wear their “rings of comfort” after the Super Bowl.
- SOURCE: Press Release

AUTHOR: Zach Dunphy
ORIGIN: Speaking Human Contributor
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