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Results for "shad connelly"
Episode 9: Holiday Marketing with the Griswolds

Episode 9: Holiday Marketing with the Griswolds

We flashback to the decade of alt rock, Topanga and Jumanji; exchange LOLs and OMGs with the Pope on Twitter; and celebrate the holidays with Clark Griswold and a pair of Old Navy pop pants.

Episode 8: Online Marketing Gangnam Style

Episode 8: Online Marketing Gangnam Style

We crown social media king of the porcelain palace, celebrate twenty years of finger-tapping talk, and get brand-brainwashed by the rhythm and motion of the most-watched YouTube video of all time.

Episode 3: Terrifying Tales from the Tablet Boom

Episode 3: Terrifying Tales from the Tablet Boom

We catch a buzz from all the extra bucks handed out by Starbucks, diagnose some common mistakes companies should avoid like the plague on their websites, and take a shot at the latest contributions from Amazon and Toys R Us to the tablet BOOM.

Episode 2: AMC Wages Zombie War with Dish Network

Episode 2: AMC Wages Zombie War with Dish Network

We talk about the one-billion-dollar bite Apple just took out of Samsung, discuss the infectious Internet virus that is “Call Me Maybe”, and review the zombie marketing war AMC has waged against Dish Network.

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