The Stadium Experience Goes Digital: The Virtual Rams House
Have you ever found it difficult to engage with your favorite team in the off-season? That may not be a problem for long, if the Los Angeles Rams are any indication. This team has found itself with a renewed focus on community-building after their 2022 Super Bowl win, and what better way to connect with fans than by connecting the fans with each other? The Virtual Rams House is a digital platform designed for fans to engage with the team and its sponsors throughout the year. Its services will range from discussion boards to virtual events for important moments in upcoming NFL seasons. Now Rams fans will have their favorite team year-round.
The Virtual Rams House is not only the perfect place for fans to keep up with the team, but is also a great platform for the team’s partners. Brands have been diving into the metaverse feet-first over the last year, and the Virtual Rams House opens opportunity for more targeted marketing efforts. Team sponsors are no doubt ecstatic to connect with Rams fans on and off the field, making this platform a social and branding hub much like stadiums. The only thing missing now is some virtual hot dogs to enjoy with your fellow fans.
- SOURCE: PRNewswire
- BRAND: Los Angeles Rams, NFL, Super Bowl

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