
Mobile Development Solutions

You may have noticed the world has been invaded by personal electronics—tiny handheld computers and phones that are changing the way people everywhere send and receive information. Ever wonder how your business could use these mysterious machines to interact with your customers? MONSTERS offers a complete suite of Mobile App Solutions, ranging from conceptualization to execution. We utilize our time-tested processes for idea generation.

MONSTERS Unlimited will conceive, design and develop an app to put your brand right into the hands of thousands, even millions, of users. Get ahead of the game by developing your very own mobile application (or “app” as the hipsters call them). Leap ahead of your competition with an application enabling customers to conveniently interact with your organization anywhere, any time and any place.


Take Advantage of Mobile Today!


Number of people who use their mobile device to research products while in a brick-and-mortar store


Number of people who said they would be more likely to shop at a store offering self-checkout via a mobile device


Number of people would have been prevented from switching companies if they would have been offered better service and support via their mobile device


Number of people who find it frustrating having a company’s online channels for customer service and support not be optimized for mobile phones or tablets

Our Flagship Mobile App – Mix’Em

Meeting New Educational Needs

With intuitive, touch-screen controls, iPhones, iPads and iPods have become hot educational tools for parents. Taking full advantage of the medium’s potential, Mix‘Em, incorporates four imaginative games designed to engage and educate children – while also entertaining adults.

Target Audience

Our goal in developing Mix‘Em was to create a learning tool that parents and children could play together and both enjoy.

Marketing the Product

Along with its educational and entertainment value, Mix‘Em also offers a great financial value – boasting four endlessly playable games for the low price of a single app. The game also features unique artwork sure to delight children and stir nostalgia in adults. UPDATE: Shortly after being launched in November of 2010, Mix’Em was nominated in the BEST APP EVER AWARDS 2010 (in 3 Categories).


Get Mix’Em in the iTunes Store

Utilize MONSTERS Unlimited for your next mobile development project. Call MONSTERS Unlimited today to learn more about our Mobile Development Solutions… (877) 401-4949.

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