Changing Leadership Perceptions of Business Blogs

BLOG. What do you think when you hear that word? For many business leaders it has a negative connotation. They immediately conjure up thoughts of false news reports. Or tween girls professing their love for Twilight. Or tech-heads speculating on the new features of the next iPhone. More than most marketers would think, blogs are looked at with skepticism and disdain by a whole lot of organizational leaders and industry professionals.

When we (quick plug: creative agency MONSTERS Unlimited) suggest to some organizational leaders they could benefit from a business blog in discussions of marketing strategy or website development, brows immediately furrow. We may as well have suggested they jump in a vat of ketchup and run in circles. The very thought strikes them as completely ridiculous. That’s when we realize there’s a clear disconnect between the perception and reality of what a blog actually is and how it functions for a business.

“What if I didn’t call it a blog?”

What if I told you we could add an online space on or outside your website where you could provide potential customers with information they are looking for and share your industry expertise? What if I told you having that same space would increase traffic to your website, and show people that your organization is active online? Suddenly, ears perk up. Business leaders are listening and interested. That’s when we tell them we just described a blog.

Change your perception – think differently about blogs

In some cases the blog name can just be too much for individuals to overcome. But you can sell them on an “industry news page” or a “customer interaction center” or an “informational resource site”. That sounds like something a business would want. Something that adds value. Not like a blog. But no matter what you call it, the idea remains the same. And so do the benefits…

Three key benefits of business blogs

Blogs offer businesses and organizations across industries a number of key benefits to enhance your marketing and improve your results. Here’s a trio of them:

Activity – A blog provides your business with a significant source of activity on the Web. A place where you can provide up-to-minute content. That may be discussion of news stories, announcement of new products, useful resources, handy tips, the list goes on and on. The point is – your blog reminds people you are there. That the store’s not empty. That the office light is on. It reminds people that behind your static website there are a cluster of bodies and minds available to help. Today, your Web presence is incomplete without consistent activity.

Expertise – You know a lot about what you do. You’re good at it. That’s why you’re in business. That’s why you do it better than anyone else. Why not share that knowledge and expertise? Don’t you think customers would be more interested in your products and services if they knew how knowledgeable and trustworthy you are? Don’t keep that information to yourself. Use it to draw people in. A business blog can do that. It gives you the opportunity to paint yourself as an industry expert. To shout to the world: I have insights that will help you!

SEO – Perhaps the most important thing a business blog can do is help drive traffic to your website. A blog can connect you with people who otherwise may not have found your business. Maybe they didn’t even know they were looking for your product or service until they indirectly came across it. A blog provides yet another entrance to your website. Like a magnet, it works to bring people to you through search engines like Google and Bing. Say for example, someone searches Google for “a better plunger”. You just wrote a blog about the better plunger now found on your store shelves. Your blog comes up in search results and, like magic, a new customer connection is made. Even months after content is posted, it will still be driving visitors.

Don’t let perception keep your business from enjoying the benefits a blog can offer. The term “blog” might not even sound so bad after it has increased your web traffic and given your business a lift. And if you still conjure up images of hacks, tweeners and geeks, well then, you can always come up with your own professional label for your business blog.

What’s the name you think should be used in place of “blog” for businesses and organizations? Share your thoughts and suggestions by commenting below.





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