What Do Your Most Frequented Apps Say About You?

Much like every individual has a unique set of traits that make up their personality, every phone has a unique set of apps. Looking through someone’s apps can give you insight into their interests, values, and everyday life. Here’s some insight into my life through my favorite/most frequented apps…


Spotify is the number-one app I use every day. This app gives me access to an abundance of music, and does it make my buns dance. Spotify allows me to create a soundtrack to my life on a daily basis.

As a music lover, I appreciate the constant flow of recommendations the app gives me with its “Made for Meghan” feature. This is where I can find playlists of new tunes tailored to my own tastes. I’m a junky for new music, and the app is always shuffling out songs and artists I cannot get enough of.

One thing the app could adopt to make it even better is a social aspect. You can easily see what your friends are listening to on the computer app, but on the mobile app there is no such feature. I am always sharing music with friends and vice versa. I could see many people benefiting from a “chat” element of some sort in the mobile app.


At this point I am watching more YouTube than TV in my spare time. YouTube is made up of millions of videos covering millions of topics. For me, I like to watch beauty influencers and random vlogging/life channels.

I use the app instead of the website because it is much more organized. The YouTube app simplifies finding your own subscriptions and sends you notifications when your favorite channels have uploaded a video. The notifications are a great feature to help me keep up with my favorite YouTubers. I visit the app the most at the gym. It helps distract from my aching muscles while on various cardio machines.

The comment section of the app is Youtube’s one fault. It is not easy to find. I didn’t discover the comments until my friend explained to me where they were. You have to scroll past the description box and recommended videos before you get to the comments section. The app should rearrange the comment section towards the top of the page or have a pen icon similar to Twitter on the side of the page linking to the comments.


Yes, I am a millennial. Yes, I take selfies. No, I’m not proud of it. Snapchat is another app I am opening everyday, all day. For some reason, I feel the need to send a random picture of the ground along with a text to all my friends instead of just a simple text. I like to believe it gives meaning to the whole “a picture is worth a thousand words” mantra.

I communicate with my friends through Snapchat all day long. This app lets me send a bunch of people one picture/video with or without text, separately and all at once. It is a very simple way to keep in contact with your best pals and show them what you are up to every day. It’s like I’m hanging out with my friends all the time without physically hanging out with them.

I wouldn’t add anything to Snapchat, but I would get rid of something… There is a map on Snapchat where you can see everyone you follow’s location (unless they turn it off). I do not see a purpose to this map, other than stalking someone. You can send a friend your location if you want them to know where you are at all times. The map just makes the app bigger and take up more storage space.

Connecting the Apps to See a Bigger Picture

According to my most frequented apps, my life mainly consists of music, distractions, and friends. What are some of your favorite or most frequented apps? Do they say a lot about you? It’s appalling how spot-on mine are.

AUTHOR: Meghan Mormino
ORIGIN: Speaking Human Contributor

Follow Meghan on Speaking Human  /  Human Content from Meghan





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